All posts by Shifu Ahles

Q & A: Brain Capabilities, Mind’s Defense Mechanisms, Overcoming Fear

An enlightening Q&A session that leads Shifu Ahles to explore answers to questions about the brain and intelligence. Discover how thinking less can lead to knowing more. Learn how training the body can develop the brain and how what we think of as reality shapes our perception. Explore the concept of psychological immunity. Find out how one can develop the ability to put the mind on what we choose and how to overcome fear in training and in life.

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Q & A: Natural Muscularity, Functional Exercise, Empty Calories, Hidden Power, Happiest People

This Q&A does not disappoint those hungry for information on the body and mind with a dash of personal growth thrown in for good measure. Shifu Ahles encourages experimenting with foods to discover for yourself what makes you feel good or bad. Discover how you can starve your body with the wrong foods and learn all about the key to BodyMind Training. Shifu Ahles reveals the purpose of “destroying the ego” and how it helps us to recognize what needs fixing in ourselves. This talk wraps up with an excellent segment on releasing ourselves from fear of failure and attachment to results. You don’t want to miss out on watching this one.

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Get the inside scoop in this week’s talk as Shifu Ahles announces the BMA site and explains the evolution of why and how it came to be. The dots are all connected in this talk as he begins with a bit of history behind martial arts and how it also evolved into a spiritual practice. The foundation of future talks is set as listeners gain a better understanding of the meaning behind Body Mind Awakening and how it can be applied to their everyday life. Topics include: Taking care of the body, seesaw health diets, avoiding being a slave to our senses, damaging effects of not getting enough rest, lighting up the brain with exercise and reaching a higher place of consciousness.

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Q & A: Emotional Control, Visualization, Feeling of Separation, Practice Questions

In this Q&A where Shifu Ahles explains how to not “throw gas on the fire” when faced with confrontation. He answers questions on visualization in training and during meditation and explains how to do the Concentration Exercise. Listeners will find out how not to allow fear and frustration get in the way of learning. How to practice at home and scheduling rotation of skill sets. This talk is key for students of the martial arts or any body mind discipline.

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Q & A: Meditation, Concentration, Visualizations, Intimidating People, Impact of Age & Ego on Practice

Shifu Ahles tackles questions from his student audience and clearly explains the different forms of meditation, including a pre-meditation exercise, and the benefits and application of each. A great talk to better understand the real world challenges and questions that arise during concentration or meditation practice. Topics shift to how to deal with intimidating people, overcoming the ego and how to overcome difficulties encountered when learning a new skill. He wraps up the talk with an explanation of how bodymind training can slow the aging process.

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Perspective: Limitations & Reasons

You won’t want to miss this engaging talk that starts with a fascinating story about a small village, 6 blind men and an elephant. Shifu Ahles skillfully illustrates his points about people’s perspective through short stories and examples. He elaborates on the theory that we learn through trauma and curiosity and how those experiences can ultimately affect our beliefs. Thought provoking questions prompt listeners to think about what their beliefs are really based on and reflect on the power they hold. This talk concludes with a rare Projection Meditation exercise. NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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