All posts by Shifu Ahles

Getting What You Want From The Practice & Life (Part 1)

The benefits of BodyMind Training is the catalyst for this excellent talk. If you don’t have a background in martial arts or BodyMind Training, do not tune out! Within a few minutes you’ll realize this is an important talk that discusses general topics such as better mental attitude, meditation, people who push our buttons and the “why me?” syndrome. Exercise, health, weight control and self confidence are all part of this 3 part series you won’t want to miss.

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Getting What You Want From The Practice & Life (Part 2)

Part 2 in a 3 part series about the benefits of BodyMind Training Practice. This informative and thought provoking talk discusses how to increase your energy, sources of energy for the body and handling anger and increasing self control. A much needed message of having an “attitude of gratitude” and the concept of how trouble can actually be our best teacher makes this one well worth watching.

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Getting What You Want From The Practice & Life (Part 3)

Part 3 of 3 in this series covering the benefits of BodyMind Training Practice. Find out how training can help you to not accept being a victim, empowering yourself and respecting yourself and others. Self discipline, relaxation, the “adult time out” and an explanation of how the body is a reflection of the mind’s elasticity are all topics that are explored in the conclusion to this excellent series.

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Q & A: Getting Started With Eastern Philosophy, Weight Training, Quit Smoking

A diverse Q&A filled with interesting facts and tidbits from personal growth to weight loss. Learn how to begin studying Eastern Philosophy and what meditation needs to be balanced with. This talks addresses concerns over flabbiness and explains how body can get large and still thinks its starving. Shifu Ahles gives valuable guidance on how to be more disciplined with what goes into your body, resisting cravings, quitting smoking and learning to set goals without causing additional stress.

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How I Started Meditating plus Q & A

A must see talk for anyone interested in learning more about meditation. Learn about the many ways to meditate – including the use of focal points, mantras and walking meditation. Visualization and the Concentration exercise is explained in this lecture which is followed by a Q&A session.

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Q & A: Meditation, Causes of Stress & Fear, Meditation Postures & Reincarnation

A thought provoking Q&A session where Shifu Ahles tackles questions on a wide variety of topics ranging from meditation and how it can help deal with threats to our psychological well being to reincarnation. He examines the causes of stress and fear, the impact of media, labels and worries about what others think as well as the mind body connection. Meditation postures are also a key component of this talk you won’t want to miss.

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