All posts by Shifu Ahles

Q & A: Fear vs Intuition, How to Recognize when No Choice but to Fight

This Q&A with Shifu Raymond Ahles covers a variety of topics such as how to tell the difference between feeling fear and listening to your intuition that may save your life. Find out why fighting is the lowest level of response when not done in self defense. Is hyper awareness something that shoudl be trained or simply awareness? Find out for yourself when you watch this intriguing talk.

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Q & A: Why Choose Ba Gua? Meditation Struggles, Meditate for Wellness

In this Q&A Sessiion with Shifu Ahles he discusses his Ba Gua beginnings and answers questions about how to overcome difficulty with meditating when the mind is very busy, what the difference is between watching the breath as a focal point vs. the point between the eyebrows. One student asks if all illness be cured with meditation? Watch the video to see how Shifu Ahles addresses this interesting question.

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Stress and Loss of Sacredness from Living in An Artificially Created World

A superb talk that is sure to resonate with everyone who lives in this fast paced, stressed world where we find ourselves separating more and more from what “oneness” and what is “sacred”. Shifu Ahles accurately paints a picture of this artificial environment we have created and the toll it takes in terms of stress and good health. He explains how the modern martial artist can use the practice to reconnect with his or her world by living amongst the chaos but not of it.

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Q & A: Practical Applications, Kung Fu Body, Diet, Injury Guide – 6/9/11

An diverse Q&A session with Shifu Ahles where a variety of topics of interest to the marital arts student is discussed including application for warm up kicks, dietary considerations in developing a kung fu body, the tie in between the study of the arts and acupuncture as well as guidance for practicing when an injury occurs.

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Why Practice?

Shifu Ahles gives us much to think about in this talk that explores the question “why practice martial arts?” As he reminds us of the many gifts the art can give he also touches upon a variety of other topics such as not letting other’s problems become your own, allowing yourself to be ok with not doing something well, controlling your thoughts, injuries and pain during practice and more. Worth listening to more than once to get the full benefit of this talk.

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Perspective: Attitude & Respect

This enlightening talk about perspective causes listeners to ask themselves a questions that enable them to identify their attitude and perspective in life. Shifu Ahles begins this talk tying in our emotions with our health and explains how we can empower ourselves by looking within rather than outside of ourselves when we need to fix things. The two stories told at the end make for a lasting impression and illustrate how positive change can result from having one’s true self revealed. NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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