All posts by Shifu Ahles

Meditation For Change

NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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Guided “Happiness” Meditation

Shifu Ahles takes you through a powerful guided long form meditation. NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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Guided Long Form Meditation (with Pain Sequence)

NOTE: This talk, that guides you through a long form meditation with a sequence that includes releasing yourself from pain, is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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Meditation Dangers

It is a unique talk of the little talked about possible dangers of meditation. Shifu Ahles explains how to avoid the potential pitfalls of meditation. Full of valuable information that is a must for all who practice meditation. NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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End of Year Talk 2009

A stirring “End of the Year” talk give by Shifu Ahles in 2009. Access to this talk is currently reserved for those who have been members of BMA prior to April 2010. Some highlights include: A thank you to those lend a helping hand, here & now, letting go, seeing what can & should change and using the body to change your mind.
End the Year Strong, Begin New One Stronger – Apply the Knowledge

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Decide To Show Up

NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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