All posts by Shifu Ahles

Building a Solid Foundation plus Q & A

In this talk that includes a short Q&A, Shifu Ahles discusses the importance of laying a good foundation in practice, business and relationships. This is one of those talks that really gets you thinking and can lead to a greater self awareness and personal growth as we begin to ask ourselves the tough questions. Encouraged to try new things and have our own experiences you leaves you feeling inspired to start getting the most you can out of life.

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Q&A: Power of External Environment, Meditation & Depression

A potent, and highly relevant talk, for anyone who suffers or knows someone who suffers from anxiety or depression. The impact of our external environment on our internal state of mind is huge. Shifu Ahles discusses the power of being quiet in nature and describes how your mind can shift as you tune into the rhythm of nature. Can meditation help depression even if someone is on medication for years? Shifu Ahles explains why people get depressed from his viewpoint and how mediation can help depression. Another audience member questions meditation usefulness for Anxiety and Depression as a way to help find the answers within. Be sure to watch this talk to hear how these very important issues in today’s society are addressed.

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The Illusion of the Easy Way

This talk is a must for those who tend to always seek the easy way or who try things, exercise, diets, higher learning etc. and then give up as they become more difficult. Though the early part of this talk starts mentions martial arts practice, it serves as a catalyst for a much broader based subject that is sure to strike a chord with many. Shifu Ahles explains how we can set ourselves up for failure at work and in relationships and how just getting by isn’t good enough. Thoughtful questions are posed that is sure to get you thinking and re-examining your own pattern of behaviors to see where you fall in the spectrum.

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The Ultimate Goal of BodyMind Training plus Q & A

How do we control our minds when facing something terrible? In this week’s talk, Shifu Ahles explains how using the body to gain control over the mind can be applied when faced with adversity in life. Retreat experiences and the goal of being fully engaged is explored. Learning to get “Home” and using this during the most difficult times. Bad stuff happens but can you learn to accept it and not hide? Understand that some things, no matter how bad, need to be accepted. Find out how to gauge your true level of consciousness.

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7 Keys to Change – Introduction

This introductory to the 7 Keys gives a taste of the in-depth talks full of valuable insight and information that follow. The 7 Keys is a road map for those who want to experience real and lasting change in their lives. NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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Breath Of Life

NOTE: This talk is part of the “28 Days to Change” program not yet released.

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