All posts by Shifu Ahles

Balancing Workload with Discipline to Practice plus Q & A

Though this talk speaks about the practice of martial arts, one can look past the specific references and find that the points made in this talk can be applied to other aspects of life. Mastering one’s mind and learning to control the breath are practical skills for whether dealing with a physical or emotional battle. Shifu Ahles reminds us that discipline and mindfulness are qualities that we can strive to cultivate in ourselves for a happier and better quality existence in this talk.

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Martial Artist Case in the Media plus Q & A

This Q&A session kicks off with an interesting article about a martial artist who was jumped and ends up killing a “Good Samaritan”. There’s an important message for us all in this example so be sure to tune in. Attracting jealous attention to ourselves, how bad choices and behavior can come back to us are also addressed in this talk. Shifu Ahles explains the concept of ego and oneness. Learn a little something about Eastern Philosophy and the how we write the script for our own experiences and you may start to look at some things in a new way by the end of this talk.

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24/7 Practice & Commitment

The concept of practicing or doing anything 24 hours a day is a foreign concept to most. Yet in this talk Shifu Ahles discusses how it is possible to do just that when we truly dedicate ourselves to the task. He walks us through meditation and the frustrations the practitioner can face. Fully committing to something or even someone is a focal point in this inspiring talk that offers some practical words of wisdom, likely causing the listener to further examine where to put his or her time and energy.

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Q & A: Meditation Experience, Psychology & Mindfulness, Remaining Sharp with Repetitive Practice

This Q&A delves into what it is really like to be in a state of deep meditation and the various experiences one can have. Shifu Ahles speaks to the approach of cognitive behavioral therapy used as a mindfulness practice as well as getting past one’s fears through education and research. He touches on how BodyMind Training can help you to remain mentally sharp and how to prevent it from becoming mundane. He ends the talk with an intriguing story about kittens in a striped room that illustrates an important point about the power of environment on perception

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Panic Doesn’t Help – Reacting to Life and Injuries

Shifu Ahles kicks off this talk by sharing a personal experience about our ability to learn to think before we act, particularly in times of crisis. Athletes often experience injuries when training hard and he goes into depth on how to deal with these injuries along with how to eliminate soreness after a hard work out session. Do you want to actually meet the goals you set for yourself but never seem to attain? Shifu Ahles explains how to make a program work for you. How to do two key breathing exercises, the cleansing breath and the filling breath, are explained just before settling into a nice meditation.

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Lessons from Life Events: Value of Consistency plus Q&A

All busy folks who never seem to have the time for practicing meditation and exercise should sit up and take notice of this talk as Shifu Ahles shares his personal experiences and ramifications after having to contend with a lapse in his practice schedule. Some Q & A in this talk gets leads to discussion about having “passion and a clear plan” when time for practice is limited and warns of how the crazy mind can quickly take over without consistency in meditation. The talk wraps up with an excellent segment about how we can choose to look at the bad in life or living life as an adventure!

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