All posts by Shifu Ahles

Q & A: Meditation and Dealing with Addictions, Respect for Self, Dr. Yang Jwing Ming and Master Park’s Styles

An engrossing and important Q&A session where Shifu Ahles explains the role meditation can play in helping cope with addictions. He gives his take on the addictive personality and how to no longer feeling the need to escape. The deeper philosophy behind martial arts practice is explained. Where does therapy and medication fit in with this BodyMind practice? Shifu Ahles makes clear the dangers of abandoning things that may be truly needed and elaborates on how utilizing the tools of the practice can be a step in the right direction in conjunction with other methods. Choosing your teacher and emptying your cup.

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Q & A: Qigong & Injuries, Focus, Getting Back To a Pure, More Innocent Mind

You’ll want to turn off the TV and tune into this talk as Shifu Ahles gets into the meaning of chi kung (qigong) how it can be applied to help heal injuries such as sprained ankles and frozen shoulder. Using interruptions as a challenge to learn to keep focused and a philosophical explanation of how meditation can help you recognize “oneness” and truths. Shifu Ahles answers what is meant by the “Third Eye” and talks about how meditation can help us get to that pure mind, ultimately recognizing the ego and letting go of labels, judgments and attachments.

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ABC’s of Self Development plus Q&A: Dealing with Prejudice, Cold Behavior, Visualization & Concentration

An excellent talk that is a must see for those who are serious about personal growth. Shifu Ahles goes through 6 aspects critical to self development. Some interesting Q&A also is a part of this talk including questions about dealing with racist remarks, being told one is cold and insensitive and visualization

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Q & A: Instilling Follow Through, Conflict in Speaking Out, Feeling True Joy, Reaction when Student Leave

A BMA favorite: Shifu Ahles delivers a compelling message about self discipline and determination and speaking out against prejudice. He responds to a question of how to feel inner joy and discusses how to look at negatives in a positive way. This is a motivating talk that explores the idea of choosing how long you want to feel bad and learning to accept what is. Find out about the 50/50 fallacy in relationships and more.

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It’s Easy to Quit, But At What Cost?

Get a glimpse into real world of martial arts and the challenges that face anyone who strives to acquire a special skill. Learn how to get past excuses about money, time and lack of progress by delving into the deeper aspects of training the body and mind. Shifu Ahles talks about how the tools can be applied in the real world to to create a better life for ourselves and those we care about. He makes us pause to consider what we’d be giving up by quitting and speaks of the regret of letting life pass by without doing the things we really want.

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Q&A: Safety & Growth, Practice Time, Defense & Law

While some may find this talk a little controversial, none will find it boring. Shifu Ahles is asked to comment on the safety laws and the impact on our personal growth. Do all these laws impede our ability to think for ourselves? Is it ok to practice kung fu in the summer? Athletes should listen carefully as the answer provided can be applied to other types of vigorous exercise and gain an understanding how a practice like chi kung or yoga can help balance the energy out. When asked about defending yourself in a litigious society, it leads to a wonderful discussion on how we can learn to choose better responses to situations by learning to control the breath and learning to calm the mind.

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